What makes us different?


Big constructions you will immediately recognise and that back up our quality and experience. In this sense, we want to continue to innovate to be able to answer your needs, whatever they are:

  • Some of the works are the entrances to the Bilbao Metro, different structures in the Lisbon Oriente Train Station, in the Imax of the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, the curved arches of the Avenida Ilustración in Madrid or the Tercer Milenio Bridge in Zaragoza.
  • We have carried out special work in the sets of the La Fura dels Baus such as l'Home del Mil.leni with the 2000 welcome show or the Zeppelin of the Liceu and different structures such as the bioclimatic sphere in the Seville Expo, the Cultures Forum or the Olympic Flame of the unforgettable Barcelona 92.
  • We also have the patent of our standard products EUROCURVAS and CONDUINOX.

If you want to innovate in your sector, in any type of project, do not hesitate to contact us, and discover our differential value!

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Quality Bendings





Contact Information


Pol. Ind. Pla d'en Boet
Serra i Moret , 27
Apdo. Correos 1103
08302 Mataró- Barcelona- Spain

Tel +34 93 798 73 52

Fax +34 93 757 07 99
