Warsaw Spire, Poland

Warsaw Spire Warsaw Spire

18 November 2014

Roig Curvado de Perfiles, S.A. collaborates with Grupo Folcra Edificación S.A. in the construction of the Warsaw Spire office building, in the city of Warsaw (Poland).

The project consists in the transformation of 700 half cylinders measuring 300 in diameter, manufactured in 3mm-stainless steel sheet with a shiny exterior finish. There are different measurements but the is average of 3,500 mm. The half cylinders are bent longitudinally at different radiuses nearing 40 metres.

The complexity of the curvature is based on obtaining the correct radius without affecting the shiny exterior surface of the half cylinders, having designed specific tools for this purpose. These pieces will later be placed on the façade of the 48 –floor and 220-metre hyperboloid tower. Warsaw Spire is the jewel in the crown of the modern business district of Warsaw.

If you have a bending need, however difficult, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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